16” x 20" Canvas Prints turn your favorite photos into one-of-a-kind masterpieces.

Simply upload your image and adjust to your specifications to fit the 16” x 20” outline.

Our unique printing technique allows us to transform your image into art by printing directly onto a canvas background attached to a lightweight, pliable frame.  Once the image has been printed, the frame is permanently creased and sealed at the edges to create a seamless 1.5” white finish along the sides of your canvas print.

Canvas Prints transform your treasured memories of the past into timeless wall art that is sure to impress.



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:: White Edge :: Canvas Print 16" x 20" x 1.5" (Portrait)

  • Product Code: CP1620PW
  • Availability: 5 Business Days
  • $0.00
  • $68.00

Tags: custom art