
The picture on a blue field is a scene painting with a tall pine tree, a cow and sheaves of wheat. The Green Mountains are in the distance. Pine boughs extend around a shield,and the name "Vermont" and the state motto "Freedom and Unity" are displayed on a crimson banner. At the the top of the shield is a stag's head.
3'x5' Vermont State Flag Nylon
The picture on a blue field is a scene painting with a tall pine tree, a cow and sheaves of wheat. The Green Mountains are in the distance. Pine boughs extend around a shield,and the name "Vermon..
4'x6' Vermont State Flag Nylon
The picture on a blue field is a scene painting with a tall pine tree, a cow and sheaves of wheat. The Green Mountains are in the distance. Pine boughs extend around a shield,and the name "Vermon..
5'x8' Vermont State Flag Nylon
The picture on a blue field is a scene painting with a tall pine tree, a cow and sheaves of wheat. The Green Mountains are in the distance. Pine boughs extend around a shield,and the name "Vermon..