State Flags

We've got your state flag needs covered from Alabama to Wyoming, and everything in between. Available in 3 different sizes, these nylon state flags will represent your state perfectly.
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3'x5' South Carolina State Flag Nylon
Col. William Moultrie designed the flag choosing a blue which matched the color of their uniforms and a crescent which reproduced the silver emblem worn on the front of their caps. The palmetto t..
3'x5' South Dakota State Flag Nylon
The South Dakota flag features the state seal surrounded by a gold blazing sun in a field of blue. Letters reading "South Dakota, The Mount Rushmore State", are arranged in a circle around t..
3'x5' Tennessee State Flag Nylon
The three stars on the flag represent the three different land forms in Tennessee. Mountains in the east, highlands in the middle and lowlands in the west. On the flag these regions are bound together..
3'x5' Texas State Flag Nylon
The flag was adopted as the state flag when Texas became the 28th state in 1845. As with the flag of the United States, the blue stands for loyalty, the white represents strength, and the red is for b..
3'x5' Utah State Flag Nylon
The blue field shows the state seal and in the center of the seal is a beehive, the state emblem, with a sego lily wing on either side which stands for peace. The state motto "Industry"..
3'x5' Vermont State Flag Nylon
The picture on a blue field is a scene painting with a tall pine tree, a cow and sheaves of wheat. The Green Mountains are in the distance. Pine boughs extend around a shield,and the name "Vermon..
3'x5' Virginia State Flag Nylon
A deep blue field contains the Virginia seal with the Latin motto "Sic Semper Tyrannis" - "Thus Always to Tyrants". The two figures are acting out the meaning of the motto. Both are dressed as wa..
3'x5' Washington State Flag Nylon
Washington state law describes the flag as having dark green bunting with a state seal in the center. It is the only state flag that is green. It is also the only state flag with a picture of a presid..
3'x5' West Virginia State Flag Nylon
A white field is bordered in dark blue. West Virginia's flag displays a rock containing the date June 20, 1863, the day West Virginia became a state. The two men represent farming and mining, and belo..
3'x5' Wisconsin State Flag Nylon
Starting at the top of a shield on a dark blue field is the state motto "Forward". Below it is a badger the state animal. A sailor and miner show that the people work on water and land. The shield in ..
3'x5' Wyoming State Flag Nylon
A bison is on a blue field bordered in white and red, with the state seal branded on the bison. The woman represents the state motto "Equal Rights" and the two men represent cattle ranchers and miners..
4'x6' Alabama State Flag Nylon
The Alabama state flag consists of a crimson St. Andrew's cross on a white field, modeled after the Confederate Battle Flag, and adopted in 1895. The bars forming the cross must not be less than six i..
4'x6' Alaska Flag Nylon
The blue field represents the sky, the sea, Alaska's wildflowers, as well as mountina lakes. Seven of the eight gold stars on the flag are from the constellation Ursa Major, or the Big Dipper. Th..
4'x6' Arizona Flag Nylon
The 13 rays of red and gold on the top half of the flag represent the 13 original colonies of the Union, and the rays of the Western setting sun. Since Arizona was the largest producer of copper ..
4'x6' Arkansas Flag Nylon
A diamond on a red field represents the only place in North America where diamonds have been discovered and mined. The twenty-five white stars around the diamond represent that Arkansas was the twenty..
4'x6' California State Flag Nylon
The Historic Bear flag was designed on a piece of new unbleached cotton. The star imitated the lone star of Texas, and a grizzly bear represented the many bears seen in the state. The word, ..
4'x6' Colorado State Flag Nylon
The flag consists of three alternate stripes of equal width and at right angles to the staff. The two outer stripes are to be the same color blue as of the national flag and the middle ..
4'x6' Connecticut State Flag Nylon
On a field of blue is an ornamental white shield with three grapevines. A white ribbon displays the states motto "He who Transplanted Sustains Us". The vines represent the first s..
4'x6' Delaware State Flag Nylon
The Delaware state flag has a background of colonial blue surrounding a diamond of buff color in which the coat of arms of the state is placed. Below the diamond are the words "December 7, 1787," indi..
4'x6' Florida State Flag Nylon
On a white field with a red X and the state seal, Florida's flag represents the land of sunshine, flowers, palm trees, rivers and lakes. The seal features a sun, a cabbage palmetto tree, a sailing ste..